Planning & Policy Department
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The planning& policy department is responsible for:
- Responsible for the initiation / formulation, review and coordination of policies, programmes and plans of the Ministry.
- Development of policies and strategies and coordinate their implementation to achieve quality training and research.
- Development of guidelines to govern MPMT’s collaboration with stakeholders and other partners
- Monitoring and evaluating policies and programs in the maritime sector through departmental work plans.
- Initiation reforms for improved service delivery in the sector depending on policy changes and data analysis.
- Design and ensure the application of monitoring and evaluation systems for purposes of assessing the ministry’s operational effectiveness.
- Monitor the targets of policies, programmes and projects in line with the ministry’s goals and objectives
- Monitoring and Evaluation of MPMT sector programmes, projects and expenditures;
- Plan and undertake resources mobilization to support research and data supported reports on Maritime sector
- Provision of technical support in project appraisal, mid-term and project completion evaluations of programmes and projects under the ministry;
- Dissemination of information on the implementation of MPMT activities.