Technical and Aids to Navigation Department 

The tasks required for the Technical and Aids to Navigation is to install and maintain lights, hazard warnings, demarcate safe water channels and waterways. This department is to ensure the effective and efficient safety of navigation that guides to save mark and also help mariners in determining their position with respect to land or any navigation hazard or hidden danger. The main functions of this department are;

  1. Provides technical expertise on matters relating to naval architecture and marine engineering.
  2. Collects and compiles hydrographic data for navigational purposes and dissemination of information on drafts along the coast.
  3. Review and authorize the location of underwater cables, pipelines, terminal points, rigs and other offshore installations.
  4. Enhance the quality, accuracy and reliability of information, thereby improving situational awareness and navigational safety.
  5. Improve situational awareness by providing easy access to standard and reliable information;
  6. Installation, Inspection and rehabilitation of Lighthouses and seamarks along the Somali coast.
  7. Aids to navigation installation and maintenance equipment and Preservation heritage Lighthouses.
  8. Marking, updating and mapping channel entrances and Assist in the production and distribution of charts and publications.
  9. Provide navigation services along the Somali coast including collation and dissemination of tidal, current, and weather information.
  10. Carry out and identify marking, notification, and removal of wrecks and other hazards to navigation


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